Monday, December 1, 2008


I have been under a lot of stress lately with school and all. This a video for the French electronic duo, Justice. The song is entitled "Stress" and has stirred up a lot of controversy.
Justice - Stress from Freedom Record on Vimeo.

While watching this the first thing I noticed was the cross on the backs of all the children. The icon seems to be misappropriated because there is a stark contrast between a good Christian life,which is generally accepted as the meaning of the cross, and the horrific acts of unmotivated violence being committed. Today's youth can so easily get involved in a group that engages in this type of behavior, whether it's under the guise of religion or not. I think this video is a great social commentary on the current state of the world. We would probably have no problem believing the acts of the children if they were dressed in, say, turbines and robes. That is because media has painted a picture in the heads of the people that it is only Eastern religions that become overzealous to the point of danger. We often forget and overlook that the Ku Klux Klan is a very Christian, not Christlike, organization. This video shows us that we are all humans and that some do terrible things, whether black or white, Christian or Muslim, male or female and that we cannot take everything at face value. The fact that the group is French made me think of Francois Truffaut's "The 400 Blows," which chronicles the misadventures of a French youth who falls into delinquent behavior, and how tame the rebellion of the child was in comparison with Justice's "Stress." The world continues to change and with advancements in technology and media, we have a heightened danger in society.

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