Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I love technology

I can watch Netflix movies streaming on my Mac! The advent of this is a happy day. Children of the future will have so many new ways of experiencing media and innovative ways of its distribution. However, it is important to educate them on the differences between them and what you are gaining as well as losing by your choice of the form in which you consume it.

Just this past weekend my girlfriend and I went to see "Australia." We had made the choice to see it at the Provo Town Center theater because it is the only place where we could see an actual 35 mm print of the film. Since every other theater is digital, we figured that eventually we would be able to see a digital high definition copy of the film in our own home in the next year. The film experience is something that we can only experience in the theater so we opted for that.

There are also times where we decide to wait to see a film in the dollar theater because we don't think that it necessarily merits the $8.75 and the most sophisticated viewing experience. There's also some to catch on DVD and some that look like good ones to miss. No matter what it is that we are viewing, the way we view it makes a difference. It can be likened to going to a concert where everybody loves the band or where everybody does not. Seeing a film with an audience can affect your feelings towards it. When they laugh, you laugh and when they cry, you cry. That is something that can't be experienced with an iPod and earbuds. There is a season for all forms of viewing media.

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